Tag Archives: mountain

Only I Didn’t Say Fudge…

I said the word. The big one. The queen mother of dirty words. The F-dash-dash-dash word.

But…what else is new?

No, I didn’t knock the tire bolts (?) out into the snow mid tire-change – that’s not the only time the word FUDGE is appropriate. For those who think I’m actually out there changing my own tires (thank you AAA), I’m actually referencing a classic scene from one of the funniest Christmas movies out there, 1983’s A Christmas Story. I, too, remember being a young’un and the fear that accompanied that word. And also the taste of bar soap. Now, ehh, it’s just another word I try not to use too often at work and one that’s mostly directed towards Boston drivers (You don’t stop on the rotary!) and slow internet connections. Continue reading Only I Didn’t Say Fudge…


So as some of you may have heard, I just signed a 13-year $325 million contract to… ok that’s a lie. I can’t even think of something to finish that sentence with. How crappy is that? People are getting paid $325 gazillion to do actual things and I can’t even come up with the ending to a sentence. Mo’ money mo’ problems though, am I right?

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