Tag Archives: oktoberfest

Only I Didn’t Say Fudge…

I said the word. The big one. The queen mother of dirty words. The F-dash-dash-dash word.

But…what else is new?

No, I didn’t knock the tire bolts (?) out into the snow mid tire-change – that’s not the only time the word FUDGE is appropriate. For those who think I’m actually out there changing my own tires (thank you AAA), I’m actually referencing a classic scene from one of the funniest Christmas movies out there, 1983’s A Christmas Story. I, too, remember being a young’un and the fear that accompanied that word. And also the taste of bar soap. Now, ehh, it’s just another word I try not to use too often at work and one that’s mostly directed towards Boston drivers (You don’t stop on the rotary!) and slow internet connections. Continue reading Only I Didn’t Say Fudge…

Crying in Public and 9 Other Pleasant Surprises of Traveling Abroad

Everyone knows traveling abroad is going to reward you with things like amazing food, breathtaking views, and cheap Dolce and Gabbana eyeglasses. But there are many other wonderful factors that you may be unaware of until you spend time in another country. Here are ten of my favorites: Continue reading Crying in Public and 9 Other Pleasant Surprises of Traveling Abroad

Destinations & Daydreams… and dirndls.

Welcome readers! For those of you who, let’s be honest here, aren’t related to me, I’m Ashley. Home to me is Tennessee but I’m currently living in Boston. That’s me above, at pretty much the happiest moment of my life. I’m wearing my favorite dirndl, showing off a new* pretzel necklace, with one of my two favorite things in each hand. I’m at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, getting copiously drunk on gemütlichkeit. Continue reading Destinations & Daydreams… and dirndls.