Tag Archives: switzerland


Are you looking for adventure? Are you the outdoorsy type? Do you like to make your friends cry and threaten murder? ME TOO! Well then, have I got the perfect pants-shitting activity for you! Do a VIA FERRATA and do it now before your brain realizes what your body is doing.  Continue reading SHAKY KNEES, NEPALESE


So as some of you may have heard, I just signed a 13-year $325 million contract to… ok that’s a lie. I can’t even think of something to finish that sentence with. How crappy is that? People are getting paid $325 gazillion to do actual things and I can’t even come up with the ending to a sentence. Mo’ money mo’ problems though, am I right?

Continue reading Achievement

Chocolate, Cheese, and Alps Bernese

This is part one in a three-part series on my recent trip to Gimmelwald, Switzerland. I’m kind of obsessed with this place and last month I was lucky to be able to drag three newbies along with me to share in my fanatical enthusiasm. Continue reading Chocolate, Cheese, and Alps Bernese