Snowferno & The Nine Circles of Hell

Italian poet Dante Alighieri spent his time between the years 1308 and 1321 composing his famed piece of Italian literature, The Divine Comedy. This work expresses his views of the afterlife and describes his vision in three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). The most famous of the three, Dante’s Inferno, is a brilliant piece in which he foretells the story of 21st century Boston, Massachusetts deep in the heart of winter. That’s what it’s about, right? Continue reading Snowferno & The Nine Circles of Hell

Virgin Territory : 2015

So yesterday I did what one does during a snow day and I fell asleep on my couch after eating two bowls of Lucky Charms. Well, I’ll be honest with you, they were Marshmallow Mateys, the store brand featuring a kangaroo with sunglasses (I thought it was a pirate cereal for the longest time but now I get it). During that nap I had a vision. OK we’ll call it a dream. I dreamt that I wrote a blog post about my upcoming travels. I promise I usually have way better dreams than this. Now most bloggers would probably relish the extra time away from work to do some writing or whatever it is other bloggers do. Not this one. I don’t care how many words needs to be looked up in the dictionary (a lot) or how many hashtags need to be hashtagged… snow days are for leftover Super Bowl pizza, reruns of Criminal Minds, and my trademark cat-sanctioned couch naps. That being said, the post I wrote in my dream was a real gem, but can I remember a word of it? Of course not! However, I’ll chalk it up to divine intervention and see what I can do for you. Continue reading Virgin Territory : 2015

Visiting Dachau Concentration Camp

This is probably going to be the least funny thing you ever read on this blog, however, I believe it is a story that definitely needs telling. Ugly criers, avert your eyes! Actually, writing this is a lot like watching a sitcom tackling a serious subject in an attempt at public education. For instance, that time DJ Tanner got busted for drinking beer at the school dance. Or that time Zack and Slater found that “roach” in the school bathroom. There’s no hope, with dope! And do I even need to mention the time that Carlton Banks bought a gun? OK maybe this was just an awkward phase of the 90s… but I’m bringing it back! That, along with scrunchies and Lisa Frank. Continue reading Visiting Dachau Concentration Camp

Modern Toilet: The Crappiest Restaurant in Taiwan

You just haven’t lived until you’ve eaten soup out of a steaming hot toilet. In my opinion at least. Pull up a porcelain throne and hear me out…

Taiwan is a place bursting with quirky eateries like the Hello Kitty Kitchen, a hospital themed restaurant confusingly named D.S. Music Restaurant where your beer is served in the form of an IV drip (the only way if you ask me), a Barbie café, and worst of all (Yes, there is something worse than a Barbie café. OK, maybe tied for worst.), an airplane themed restaurant. Something about eating crappy food in a cramped space full of other people’s used air and bony elbows just deflates my appetite. Oddly enough though, eating poo-shaped ice cream out of a squat toilet is totally saneContinue reading Modern Toilet: The Crappiest Restaurant in Taiwan

destinations & daydreams