Tag Archives: poop

Modern Toilet: The Crappiest Restaurant in Taiwan

You just haven’t lived until you’ve eaten soup out of a steaming hot toilet. In my opinion at least. Pull up a porcelain throne and hear me out…

Taiwan is a place bursting with quirky eateries like the Hello Kitty Kitchen, a hospital themed restaurant confusingly named D.S. Music Restaurant where your beer is served in the form of an IV drip (the only way if you ask me), a Barbie café, and worst of all (Yes, there is something worse than a Barbie café. OK, maybe tied for worst.), an airplane themed restaurant. Something about eating crappy food in a cramped space full of other people’s used air and bony elbows just deflates my appetite. Oddly enough though, eating poo-shaped ice cream out of a squat toilet is totally saneContinue reading Modern Toilet: The Crappiest Restaurant in Taiwan